

Custom Fields

2022-08-25T12:19:46+00:00March 1st, 2019|Documentation|

In the details section of the booking form, by default Bookme Pro only ask for name, mobile number and email address. But if you want to ask some questions or require more details from the customers before their successful


2022-08-25T12:17:46+00:00March 1st, 2019|Documentation|

Bookme Pro sends notifications to the customers and staff members on new booking and on many other events. Email notifications and SMS notifications both are included in Bookme Pro. Bookme Pro uses Twilio SMS service for SMS notifications, so a

Change The Appearance Of Booking Form

2022-08-25T12:16:04+00:00February 26th, 2019|Documentation|

Customize each step of the booking form as your needs with multiple useful features. For customize the appearance, go to Bookme Pro menu > Appearance. Select the color using the color picker and click on any underlined text

Manage Customers

2022-08-25T12:14:05+00:00February 12th, 2019|Documentation|

For add or edit customers go to Bookme Pro Menu > Customers. Add New Customer For adding new customer click on the "New Customer" button. Properties of Customers User- By assigning a WP user to the

Manage Booking With Calendar

2022-08-25T06:19:18+00:00February 12th, 2019|Documentation|

Bookme Pro provides a calendar view of all bookings with a filter of staff members. Note: You can also add or edit a booking in the calendar view. For adding a booking simply click on the date

Booking Management

2022-08-25T05:58:24+00:00February 12th, 2019|Documentation|

For managing your bookings go to Bookme Pro Menu > All Bookings. In Bookme Pro, only a user with the "Administrator" role can manage bookings. Create New Booking For creating a new booking click on the "New Booking"

Staff Members

2022-08-23T05:39:38+00:00February 11th, 2019|Documentation|

Staff members are your team members that provide services to the customers. Bookme Pro needs at least one staff member to work. Create and edit staff member in Bookme Pro Menu > Staff Members. Properties of


2022-08-23T11:04:24+00:00February 11th, 2019|Documentation|

Services are offered by you to the customers. They can be provided by a specific staff member or all staff. For checking all service go to Bookme Pro Menu > Services. Category A category is used

Publish Bookme Pro Form

2022-08-22T10:56:16+00:00February 10th, 2019|Documentation|

Here are the simple steps for adding a booking form on any page or post. 1. Open the page or post you want to add booking form. And click on the "Add Bookme Pro Booking Form" button.

How to install Bookme Pro?

2019-06-28T09:58:29+00:00February 10th, 2019|Documentation|

Bookme is a powerful booking WordPress plugin with a lot of features. To install Bookme first you must have a working WordPress site, make sure you follow the instructions step by step.There are two ways to install Bookme. Installing