Booking Management

//Booking Management

Booking Management

For managing your bookings go to Bookme Pro Menu > All Bookings. In Bookme Pro, only a user with the “Administrator” role can manage bookings.

Create New Booking

For creating a new booking click on the “New Booking” button.

Properties of Booking

  • Staff Member- Select the staff member of service for the booking.

  • Service- Select the service for the booking.

  • Date & time period- Select booking date and the time period.

  • Customers- Select customers for the booking from the select list or create a new one.

  • Send notifications- Notify customers and staff member about this new booking or not.

  • Internal note- This is a hidden note about the booking. It will not appear on any page.

Note: For editing any custom field details, click on the customer name after adding the customer to the booking.

2022-08-25T05:58:24+00:00February 12th, 2019|Documentation|